di Claudio Bertolotti
"Afghanistan: Sguardi e analisi" è un blog d'informazione indipendente sull'evoluzione della guerra e dei conflitti in Afghanistan e sulle ripercussioni di questi sulle dinamiche politiche e sociali locali e internazionali. L'analisi avviene attraverso il monitoraggio costante degli eventi e delle comunicazioni delle parti in conflitto attraverso il web.
Afghanistan Sguardi e Analisi

"Afghanistan: Sguardi e analisi" è un progetto aperto finalizzato a comprendere e discutere le ragioni - e le possibili soluzioni - dei conflitti afghani.
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Commenti sul post (Atom)
Excellent article! I received a clear idea on what is going on with the Afghan Police .
RispondiEliminaI really wish that the so pessimistic conclusions of the article are not … too pessimistic!
Despite all this, I hope that a strong effort performed by the local government in synergy with the international community, in order to ameliorate the quality of the general instruction and improving the level (and number) of the students (male and female!), together with a strong media campaign, should accelerate the process of democratization of the country.
The self consciousness of the citizens is growing up day by day, thus making difficult certain negative episodes to happen. It is vital, therefore, that the int. community effort are continuing to be funded, even considering the additional sacrifice for the various national economies, in this very particular moment of crisis.
all the best, Claudio!
Edgardo Maltese